UFO Abduction: The Betty and Barney Hill Case

The Betty and Barney Hill case is one of the most famous and oldest instances of alleged UFO abduction in…

The Amityville Ghost Case

The Amityville Ghost Case is one of the most well-known and controversial stories of paranormal encounters in modern American history.…

Little Johnny was only six years old

Little Johnny was only six years old when he tried to feel his sister's friend's pussy. She slapped him and…

Little Johnny was doing his math homework

Little Johnny was doing his math homework. He said to himself, "Two plus five, that son of a bitch is…

Mr. Smith’s wife has been in a coma

Mr. Smith's wife has been in a coma for four months. The nurses have come to realise that she moves…

A nice respectable lady with a savory smell

A nice respectable lady with a savory smell of perfume got on the bus and took a seat beside me.…